Sunday, August 31, 2008

Services, Mashups & Cloud: Puma

Imagine for a moment that Olympics took place in China – and all the world came out to watch. You’re with a shoe company called Puma, who for many years hid in the shadow of branding giant Nike. But this Olympics you made some interesting bets, including a big bet on a Jamaican sprinter named Usain Bolt. This distinguished athlete proceeds to win the gold and to destroy the world record – and to your delight holds up a pair of your shoes. What a dream.

For a brief period you own the consumer. Search engines are bombarded with “Usain Bolt” and even “Puma runner”. Your online store is blasted with orders but now every outlet that carries ‘hot tickets’ wants to resell the Usain Bolt Limited Edition shoes. Orders are coming in from channels you’ve never even heard of. New channels, new orders, new customers are abound and new demands are being placed on your I.T. environment.

The world of API’s (or services), mashups and cloud computing are all upon us. As many businesses continue cut costs and hunker down for a ‘wanna-be’ recession, others are innovating and driving new sustainable revenue sources.

Services, Mashups and Cloud drive business opportunities for those who seek a competitive advantage.

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